
AIM International Readers Poll Winner

AIM ReadersPollAlgae Competition is the winner of Algae Industry Magazine 2015 International Readers Poll in the category “Improved Planet Contributions”.

AIM International Readers’ Poll mission is to 1. Recognize and reward innovation and excellence, 2. Convey who and what make a difference, 3. Celebrate innovative people, companies, technology.

Improved Planet
International Algae Competition is a global challenge to design our future with algae food and energy systems. As a participatory design game, Algae Competition invited global citizens from around the world to design their own future with the foods they eat, systems that grow algae, and landscapes and cityscapes they dream of living in. Over 140 participants responded, representing 40 countries. Individuals and teams submitted many amazing designs, projects and food ideas. Growing algae offers a future beyond scarcity with sustainability and abundance. Visit the many exhibits on the site. View the Award Winners here.

Robert Henrikson and Mark Edwards published a look ahead in Imagine our Algae Future: Visionary Algae Architecture and Landscape Designs, available at Amazon.com. Imagine reviews algae production, products and potentials and showcases some of the amazing visions of our future from the International Algae Competition. See the incredible 4:45 minute video Algae Competition: The Future of Algae.

Readers PollAlgae Industry Magazine Readers’s Poll Winner in these categories:

Algae Ambassador – Robert Henrikson
Improved Planet Contributions – International Algae Competition
Algae Microfarm – Smart Microfarms
Algae Food, Feed, Nutirents – Smart Microfarms
Algae Cultivation Facility – Earthrise Nutritionals

Written by Robert. Posted in Algae News, Newsletters

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