Track 1: Algae Landscape Design
How will algae production be integrated into future landscapes and eco-communities and what will they look like and how will they work?
Design integrated APS into future landscapes, farms, coastlines, cities, buildings and eco-communities. Open to algae enthusiasts, architects, designers, visionaries, builders, students and teams.
Track 1 Algae Landscape Design Registration fees are on a sliding scale
• $100 for companies, entrepreneurs, professionals, architects, designers, teams.
• $50 for students, not working for pay, temporarily unemployed, NGO personnel.
• $25 for students and temporarily unemployed from developing world countries.
Design Algae Landscape Ideas and Categories
community micro farms
urban landscapes
appropriate village farms
suburban landscapes
rooftop systems
parks and gardens
greenhouse systems
new model communities
sea and ocean landscapes
Design for Specific Global Locations or Anywhere On or Off the Planet
India and South Asia
Southeast Asia
Indonesia and Oceania
Equatorial and South Africa
North Africa and Middle East
Northern Europe
Mediterranean Europe
North America
Polar Artic and Antartic
Lakes, seas and oceans
Space, moon and planets
Awards and recognition for these classes of entrants
most original design
best algae design video
designer, artist
architect, builder
farmer, grower
visionary, dreamer
middle and high school
college and university
graduate school, instructor
General criteria for juror evaluation:
• Inspires – the imagination • Integrates – form and function • Aesthetic – visual appeal and beauty • Innovative – novel design elements • Practical – workable solutions