Algae Competition Terms and Conditions
The Algae Competition provides an opportunity for participants to have their visions, ideas, innovations and solutions published via website, online, print publications, public presentations and exhibitions. By registering and submitting, you grant Algae Competition all rights to reproduce, print and display design entries on websites, exhibitions, presentations, publications and any other media anywhere in the world.
Algae Competition does not seek any ownership interests in your visions, ideas, innovations and solutions. You retain all interests in your intellectual property and we strongly encourage all participants to begin the intellectual protection process. Participants who submit material to the Competition represent that they or their team are the owner of the material and that the participant has the right to submit this material.
Algae Competition is a collaboratory, an open source competition.
• Whatever you submit will become public information to share with others.
• If you need to keep your work private, confidential or secret, do not submit it.
• If you submit, you agree that your work can become public domain information.
Registration and submission schedule
• Registration opened January 11, closed 22, 2011. Registration is closed.
• After you register, you will be emailed instructions for uploading your submission when you are ready.
• Submission opened February 11, closed 22, 2011. Submission is closed.
Tracks 1 and 2 Registration fees are on a sliding scale
• $100 for companies, entrepreneurs, professionals, architects, designers, teams.
• $50 for students, not working for pay, temporarily unemployed, NGO personnel.
• $25 for students and temporarily unemployed from developing world countries.
Track 1: Algae Landscape Design
How will algae production be integrated into future landscapes and eco-communities, what will they look like and how will they work? Design landscapes, farms, coastlines, cities, buildings and communities.
Track 2: Algae Production Systems (APS)
What are the best designs, engineering and systems for algae production to work effectively and economically on a community scale or distributed model? Develop working models and designs for APS.
Track 3 Algae Food Development Registration fees are on a sliding scale
• $50 for companies, entrepreneurs, professionals, teams.
• $25 for individuals, students, not working for pay, temporarily unemployed, NGO personnel.
• $00 for scholarships by invitation: no charge.
Track 3: Algae Food Development
What will be the next algae foods and recipes and uses as food and feed ingredients that will transform our health and our diet? Create menus, new foods and food products with algae as a featured ingredient.
* By registering for the Competition, registrant agrees to grant Algae Competition all rights to reproduce, print and display design entries on websites, publications and any other media anywhere in the world.