
Algae Competition Terms and Conditions
The Algae Competition provides an opportunity for participants to have their visions, ideas, innovations and solutions published via website, online, print publications, public presentations and exhibitions. By registering and submitting, you grant Algae Competition all rights to reproduce, print and display design entries on websites, exhibitions, presentations, publications and any other media anywhere in the world.

Algae Competition does not seek any ownership interests in your visions, ideas, innovations and solutions. You retain all interests in your intellectual property and we strongly encourage all participants to begin the intellectual protection process. Participants who submit material to the Competition represent that they or their team are the owner of the material and that the participant has the right to submit this material.

Algae Competition is a collaboratory, an open source competition.
• Whatever you submit will become public information to share with others.
• If you need to keep some of your work private, confidential or secret, do not submit it.
• If you submit, you agree that your submitted work can be made public.

Registration and submission schedule
• Registration opened January 11, closed October 22, 2011.
• Submission opened February 11, closed October 22, 2011.
• Email confirmation of all submissions after checking upload files.

Submission deliverables
• 1. Presentation: Powerpoint or architectural board pdf files.
• 2. Project Description: Word doc or pdf.
• 3. Movie (Optional): Movie file.

1A. Submission requirements for powerpoint pdf files
• Powerpoint page presentation format pdf files.
• Highest quality print resolution is preferred – best quality for publishing.
• Put your Registration Number (password) on first page
• Indicate track number and category for your competition entry.
• Include description summary, plans, drawings, photos, instructions.

1B. Submission requirements for architectural pdf files
• Format size is 24″x36″ pdf (ARCHD) horizontal format preferred. Submit 1 or 2 pdf files.
• 300 dpi resolution is preferred – best quality for publishing.
• Put your Registration Number (password) on each pdf file, lower left corner of each page.
• Indicate track number and category for your competition entry.
• Include description summary, plans, sections, elevations, 3-D views.
• Options: exploded axonometric views, materials, research, parti.

2. Submission requirements for description (word doc or pdf)
• Add up to 1000 word description and philosophy inspiring the project (separate from pdf) .
• Add complete contact information including email for communication on this word doc or pdf.

3. Submission requirements for movie (optional)
• Maximum length 5 minutes.
• Use similar protocol as you would for uploading a movie to

Conditions. Contestants agree to the following rules and regulations:
• Algae Competition is granted the rights to display, reproduce and print design entries and display online.
• Algae Competition is granted the rights to display movies online.
• Designs and text description may be edited and included in new algae competition book.
• Contestants name credit will be given on any reproduced or published work.
• Algae Competition has no responsibility to return submitted materials.
• By submission of entries, participants agree to these conditions.

Upload submissions to our competition site
• Entries are pdf and movie files submitted using the “Login and Submit Files” page.
• After we receive your registration fee, you can upload pdf files to our site.
• To login enter your username and password (registration number) sent to you by email.
• Your competition design will be uploaded to a unique folder with your username.
• You receive confirmation that your upload was successful.
• A big file upload may take some time.