Finalists • 2) Algae Production Systems

These entries have been selected by our panel of jurors as first round FINALISTS in the International Algae Competition. The second round of jurying will select award winners.
CLICK ON IMAGE or Registration Number to see larger version of exhibit.

21132113. Video. Min Thein, Myanmar Pharmaceutical Factory.
Algae Production System of Natural Spirulina Lakes in Myanmar.

Based on 22 years of lake harvest experience, sustainable spirulina production from natural lakes has been achieved in Myanmar. By 2000 capacity reached 200 tons per year, producing one million bottles of nutritional supplements, as well as crackers, cosmetics and beer.

21182118. Vincent Guigon, Antenna Technologies, Geneva.
Circular Tank Technology to reduce production costs.

Antenna is an NGO promoting spirulina against malnutrition with projects in Africa and Asia, with a mission to make spirulina more affordable. Circular tank technology decreases costs by 20% through long lasting maintenance of culture quality, without purges, and free water stirring.

2120. Video. University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.
AlgaeWheel-based Algae Cultivation for Environmental Enhancing Energy.
This novel approach integrates algal wastewater treatment with hydrothermal liquefaction of biomass to biocrude oil, resolving two bottlenecks: contamination of target high-oil algae species with low-oil algae and bacteria, and high energy input for dewatering algal biomass.

2121. Video. Laurent Lecesve, Hybrid énergies & Eco-Systèmes.
Organic spirulina microfarm with biogas plant. Normandy, France.

The farm contains 4 ponds of 50m2, micro-digester, heat pump with heat network connected to digester and ponds, harvesting room with press and solar dryer, and a culture laboratory. The goal of the digester is to grow spirulina organically using cow and horse manure as main inputs.

21262126. Video. Mahamat Sorto, Food Technology Consultant, FAO-Chad.
Improved technology, production and marketing of dihé in Chad.

Goals were improving harvest, good manufacturing practice and commercialization of dihé (spirulina) and living conditions of communities around Lake Chad. The income of women has increased dramatically. Project funded by the European Union and implemented by FAO.

2128. Josh Wolf.
Algae Production System using night cycle LED.

A combination of blue, red, and green lighting during the algae’s night cycle will increase growth rate. This innovative system has artificial and natural lighting working together, a new way to look at LED lighting, solar powered, recycled algae drying method, night and day aeration.

21292129. Video. Jiamjit Boonsom.
Boonsom Spirulina Farm. Thailand’s Leading Producer of Spirulina.

For 20 years, our farm offers the rural community an opportunity for a better life. Keys are sunlight, clean water, environment and the work force. Our farm is not dependent on high tech equipment. We employ hundreds of people in research, cultivation, harvesting, production.

Contributing Sponsors

Evodos logo SWEvodos BV Separation Excellence. Totally Dewatering Algae. Alive. The ideal interface between growing and refining. It is Evodos’ mission to support our customers with the best products for mechanical separation at minimal energy consumption without chemicals or consumables.

NanoVLogoSNanoVoltaics (NVI) is an engineering services provider to the cleantech sector, focusing on commercialization of disruptive technologies and production methods. Nanotechnology offers solutions to the world’s resource problems and novel products for photovoltaics and biofuels.

SmartMicroLogoSmartMicrofarms technology will enable people globally to grow healthy foods locally, using affordable inputs. We research, develop, demonstrate, diffuse, and support flexible microcrop platforms that produce food and valuable co-products locally.

Algae members Robert Henrikson and Mark Edwards are the creators and developers of this International Algae Competition. Their purpose is to expand and share a vision for algae in our future and create an open source algae community and collaboratory.